Practical Economics to Build a Flourishing World

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Who can manage their own lifetime risk – return of the $6 million dollar man?

Who can manage their own lifetime risk – return of the $6 million dollar man?

If the German retirement system had added as many years to the retirement age as we added to the overall life expectancy over the past century, the official retirement age would stand at around 95 years rather than 65 years. – Patrick M. Liedtke on Bismarck’s pension trap 1)Patrick M. Liedtke, “From Bismarck’s Pension Trap to...
The Labour Market: The Greatest Market Failure Ever - Part 1

The Labour Market: The Greatest Market Failure Ever – Part 1

“I became an actor by accident.” – Christopher Walken Yao Ming is 7 feet tall and weighs 141 kilos (at least during his playing days). He is China’s most famous sports hero, was the first Chinese player in the NBA, and an 8-time All-Star for the Houston Rockets. It is pretty likely that Yao Ming...
Optimized Competition

Optimized Competition

Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of war, where every man is enemy to every man, the same consequent to the time wherein men live without other security than what their own strength and their own invention shall furnish them withal. In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof...
Purpose of Nevinomics

Purpose of Nevinomics

Nevinomics is a series of economic writings that explore the most fundamental issues in economics and societies in order to re-conceptualize old approaches to better express the relationship between economic theory and economic reality. The practical objective of Nevinomics is to suggest steps and policies to create better and more resilient economies that lead to stronger societies...
For Canada - The Best Nation on the Planet … But We Can Do Better

For Canada – The Best Nation on the Planet … But We Can Do Better

While I grew up in Canada in a mid-sized city and raised in modest circumstances, I have had the rare privilege to see much of the world. Apart from spent ten formative work years in Toronto (from age 24-35), since the age of 18, I have had 22 years living in the USA, UK, France,...
Categories of Economic Thinking

Categories of Economic Thinking

“One must be prepared to be enlightened about oneself…and to act upon this enlightenment.” – Nevin, 1989 Nevinomics’ objective is meaningfully to increase our practical ability to build a society and economy that allows individuals to Flourish. But how to do this is not immediately obvious. If nothing else, the Great Financial Crisis, the subsequent...